Reasons for Abortions

26%- Did not want the child
21%- Could not afford having a child
14%- Troubled relationship due to pregnancy
12%- To young to have a child
11%- The child would not go along with job or school
8%- Didn't want another child
3%- Risk of Fetus' health
3%- Risk of Woman's health
2%- had an abortion for other reason

Reasons for Abortions Late in Pregnancy

71%- Woman did not know she was pregnant
48%- Had trouble scheduling an abortion
33%- Afraid to tell their partner
24%- Woman took time to think about abortion
8%- Woman's relationship changed
8%- Woman was threatened to not have the abortion
6%- Something changed after pregnancy
6%- Woman didn't know that time mattered in abortions
5%- Woman did not know she could receive an abortion
2%- Fetal problem late in pregnancy
11%- Other reason

(Numbers based off of 200 person survey)