
The National symbol for Pro-Choice acivists
People who have a pro- choice view of abortion believe that abortion should be Legal and a woman should be able to have an abortion if she pleases. People who are pro choice also believe that sex education should be taught in schools, and women should have the ability to use contraceptives and go through whatever fertility treatments they feel are suitable to them. People who are pro-choice have a link to planned parenthood meaning you should not have a child until you have fully planned for it. A main belief of those who are pro-choice is that the fetus does not feel pain and if the woman gets an abortion than the child will not feel a thing. Other key points from the pro-choice campaign are the fact that every child should be a wanted child, women who are raped or suffer from incest should not have to give birth to a child that will cause them pain, and the main point ties into thoughts of many in the world which involves freedom; A woman is a person and every person has the right to choose what they would like to do with their own body.

Button which means that a fetus is not a living human and its okay to abort it.